Fox's hit musical drama Empire captured audiences with its captivating storylines centered around the Lyon family and the world of hip-hop. With several successful seasons, Fox wanted to deepen engagement with the show's dedicated fanbase, building on the success of past initiatives like the fan-centric campaign for Grease Live.
Unlike Grease, where fans aspired to be part of the universe, Empire fans admired the show without necessarily identifying with its world. To engage this audience, we needed to find what resonated most. Through research, we discovered that the show's fashion—especially the bold, glamorous looks worn by characters like Cookie Lyon (portrayed by Taraji P. Henson)—was a focal point for fans.
Fashion-Driven Engagement: We decided to harness the show's fashion appeal by creating a digital experience that immersed fans in Empire's stylish universe.
Interactive Wardrobe Experience: The concept revolved around a virtual dressing room where users could style characters from the show, using outfits and accessories inspired by what they wore on-screen.
Real-Time Relevance: To maintain engagement, the virtual wardrobe was designed to update continuously, featuring outfits as they appeared in new episodes.
Immersive Digital Experience: We crafted an app experience that was unmistakably Empire, using hundreds of show-based images and a sleek UI/UX that captured the show's essence.
Meticulous Design: Each clothing item and accessory was broken down and styled to reflect specific characters, ensuring fans could engage authentically with the fashion they loved.
Ongoing Engagement: By synchronizing the app with the latest episodes, we fostered real-time fan conversations around new looks, turning every episode into an opportunity for fans to explore and interact with Empire's iconic fashion.
The Empire fashion app was a testament to the power of understanding what truly drives fan passion. By focusing on the show's stylish flair, we created an engaging and immersive experience that kept fans connected and excited throughout the show's run. This initiative demonstrated how digital platforms can turn on-screen moments into interactive fan experiences, bridging the gap between the show and its audience.